
Joseph E Bird

Let's talk about reading, writing and the arts.


August 2020

i killed sally’s lover

So here we have a provocative headline. And also a dramatic photo that has nothing to do with the headline. Except it does.

I haven’t killed anyone. Don’t even know a Sally.

It’s an Avett Brothers song. Yes, I do listen to other music but the Avetts just keep drawing me in. This song is a cautionary tale about getting caught up in a crime of passion.

Now all you ramblin' fellas
You listen close to me
That woman gonna bring you pain
Your heart is gonna bleed
But it ain't worth the trouble
The sufferin' or the grief
A bleeding heart is better than the penitentiary

So, yeah, don’t do it.

But it’s a heck of a fun song. Just watch this live version.

Ok, so maybe this is just backwoods hillbilly music. But it looks like so much fun, especially when played at the frenetic pace of their live version. Naturally I want to learn to play it like that.

I’ve been playing guitar for most of my life but it’s only been in the last six months or so that I’ve really begun to learn songs from beginning to end. I’ve even learned to sing while I play. That may not sound like a big deal, but try patting your head and rubbing your stomach at the same time. That’s playing and singing. It doesn’t come easy.

I’ll never be a star. But there’s a great deal of personal satisfaction in trying and learning and getting better and reaching your goal. I’ve got a play list of 12 songs now.

Sally’s Lover will be one of the harder songs I’ve learned. The chords are easy – G-C-D – but there’s some fast picking I have to learn that’s really going to be difficult. But I’ll get there.

The photograph?

A relatively simply structure I built on the back of my deck. It’s a result of my experience over the years with even simpler projects.

I’ll never be a contractor. But there’s a great deal of personal satisfaction in trying and learning and getting better and reaching your goal.

Now all you ramblin’ fellas
You listen close to me
This life is gonna bring you pain
Your heart is gonna bleed.
But it’s surely worth the trouble
The sufferin’ and the grief
To do that thing you want to do, don’t quit till you succeed.


old shoes
cheap booze
jumping like a kangaroo

gimme this
gimme that
ink another tattoo

i’m bored
hatin’ like a warlord

pop a pill
do the shot
headin’ for the psyche ward

the lambs are young and still so
their dreams are pure and hope is
the shepherd’s blind and speaks with
the wolves are close, destruction

sweet bread
silk thread
actin’ like a godhead

drive your ‘vette
fly your jet
all i got is cornbread

it’s not fair
you gotta share
baby needs the daycare

give me yours
and i’ll have mine
i don’t want no welfare

the lambs are young and still so
their dreams are pure and hope is
the shepherd’s blind and speaks with
the wolves are close, destruction

low pay
you say
i don’t need it anyway

take from her
give me his
all about the green way

lip sync
group think
preachin’ just a hoodwink

yes i do
no i don’t
throw me in the precinct

the lambs are young and still so
their dreams are pure and hope is
the shepherd’s blind and speaks with
the wolves are close, destruction

hard rain
fast lane
working up the food chain

i will work
sweat my brow
i don’t want no slow train

take a stand
hold my hand
a better way we should demand

pray for peace
and sweet release
let’s walk into the promised land

the lambs are young and still so
their dreams are pure and hope is
the shepherd’s blind and speaks with
the wolves are close, destruction

copyright 2020, joseph e bird

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